Youngstown Vindicator on 5-21-68

Youngstown Vindicator on 5-21-68

Old Portage District on May 23, 1968

Convention Daily on October 8, 1968

EOG Dateline on November 1968

Business World Article in 1968

Youngstown Vindicator on December 19, 1968

Youngstown Vindicator on January 16, 1969

Youngstown Vindicator on December 16, 1968

Youngstown Vindicator on January 16, 1969

Youngstown Vindicator on February 12, 1969

Next section

Continued to the left

Youngstown Vindicator on March 24, 1969

Youngstown Vindicator on March 26, 1969

Youngstown Vindicator on March 26, 1969

Bonds in June 1969

Vindicator on November 20, 1969

Chamber of Commerce Building Improvement Award

Dateline in November 1969

Dateline in January 1970

Vindicator on January 21, 1970

Youngstown Vindicator on 1-27-1970

Youngstown Vindicator on 1-28-1970

Boardman New on February 5, 1970

Vindicator on February 9, 1970

EOG President on 2–20-1970

Vindicator in Winter of 1970

Vindicator on March 22, 1970

Vindicator on September 10, 1970

Vindicator on September 10, 1970

Vindicator on October 15, 1970

Vindicator on October 15, 1970

Dateline in November 1970

Scout Event in the fall of 1970

Fall of 1970

Vindicator on 12-1-70 and 12-18-70

Vindicator on December 19, 1970

Vindicator on January 8, 1971

Vindicator on January 16, 1971

Vindicator on January 17, 1971

Vindicator on January 27, 1971

Safety Council of Greater Youngstown on 1-28-71

Vindicator on January 29, 1971

Vindicator on February 1, 1971

EOG President on February 20, 1971

Safety Council of Greater Youngstown on 4-28-71

Youngstown Major on May 1, 1971

Vindicator on May 7, 1971

Vindicator on June 20, 1971

Vindicator on June 29, 1971

Downtown Board of Trade in July 1971

Cecelia Eckles’ note to her son in July 1971

Roughly July 1971

Safety Council in Oct 1971

Vindicator on October 11, 1971

Vindicator on October 17, 1971

Vindicator on October 30, 1971

Vindicator on December 5, 1971

Vindicator on December 27, 1971

Vindicator on December 5, 1971

Douglas Shasby letter dated December 2, 1971

Youngstown Major Letter dated January 5, 1972

Vindicator on January 13, 1972

Next Column

See Next Column

Vindicator on January 17, 1972

Vindicator on January 23, 1972

Vindicator on January 23, 1972

YMCA on January 19, 1972

Vindicator on January 23, 1972

Note from Jim Gardner after January 23, 1972

BSA Award on January 20, 1972

Youngstown letter dated  January 31, 1972

The Youngstown Players on January 28, 1972

American Red Cross letter dated February 1, 1972

Regional Growth Foundation letter - February 4, 1972

Urban League letters - February 18, 1972

Chamber of Commerce letter - February 29, 1972

Homes Illustrated Youngstown Area on March 11, 1972

Next Eckles Says.... MGU and NJNG
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