General Genealogy Information

USA Maps by Surname (from www.hamrick.comlnames)

The United States maps below show the distribution a specific surname within the 50 United States. Our database contains the 50,000 most commonly occurring names in the United States.  The source of this data is the 1850 Census, 1880 Census, 1920 Census, and 1990's phone books.  Note that the Census data is a sampling of 1 in 100 names, so the 1990 data is the most

accurate. The color of each state indicates how frequently you will find someone with this  surname in each state. For instance, if a state is colored red, then 1 in 100 people (or more) in that  state have the surname. Similarly, yellow means approximately 1 in 300 have the surname, green  means 1 in 1000, and blue means 1 in 10,000 (or less).

The Juers were too few to show up and the Eckles were spotty but that is what makes them easier from a family history POV.  The Schmidts, Nelsons and Gilligan (Colleen’s family name) were more prevelant.

No data on Eckles in 1850

No data on Eckels in 1880

No data on Eckles in 1880

No data on Eckles in 1920

No data on Eccles in 1920


General Data drawn from Ancestry DNA

More detail on foreign born population of United States

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